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Below you find the Text in FIA Appendix K 2015 about ignitions.



 Text in paragraph 7.3.7

Cars of Period F(62-65) homologated with electronic ignition systems and cars of Periods G1(66-69) and G2(70-71) may use a non-period electronic ignition system provided this system is triggered by contact breaker(s), utilises an ignition coil with a minimum resistance of 3 ohms, the spark is distributed by a rotor arm and the timing of the spark is controlled entirely by mechanical means. Multi-spark systems and systems where the timing of the spark is altered electronically are not permitted.

Cars of Period G1(66-69) and G2(70-71) with electronic ignition systems may use magnetic or optical triggering.

Cars of Period H1(72-75) onwards may use ignition coils with less than 3 ohms resistance and/or multi spark systems.

Electronic ignition systems which control the timing of the spark are permitted only if this was a period modification.


Modifications authorised for cars of Periods E, F and G1 for Series Production Touring Cars and Standard Grand Touring Cars.

 1.7 Plugs, ignition coil, condenser and distributor: Makes are free; The number of plugs per cylinder, the ignition coil, condenser, distributor and spark plug types must conform to the manufacturer’s specification for the model concerned.

1.8  The addition of an electronic ignition system is not permitted, nor is that of an electronic rev.limiter.


 Raceservice4u has 3 solutions for Fia conform and Time period Twin plugsystems.


As you can read FIA regulations are not clear nor consistent.
We think the sets below are correct for the 3 Porsche 911 Time periods.
Ask your ASN if you are not sure.
123 modules inside Twinplug distributors and all new Permatune boxes are programmable with PC.
Which is not allowed by the FIA appendix K regulations

1.     FIA time period F;
For the 2.0L race engine which were used in the 911 R, 904/6 and 914 GT.

Magneti Marellimodel twin plug distributor 27mm shaft with 2 contact sets.

o   3-pin DC-boxes new build in Bosch style or in your original die-cast case.

o   2 Black  coils made for Raceservice4u of better quality than the Bosch silver can type.

o   In house produced wireloom.

o   The Plug wires are double isolated suppressed spiral core cable.

o   Plugwire holder set like the original.

o   Period style Stickers.

2.      FIA time period G;
For the 2.3/2.5/2.8/ and Early 3.0L race engines which were used the 911 ST, IROC and RSR.

Magneti Marelli model twin plug distributor 30mm shaft with magnetic pickup.

o   6-pin DC-boxes new build in Bosch style or original die-cast case.

o   2 Black coils made for Raceservice4u of better quality than the Bosch silver can type. .

o   In house produced wireloom.

o   The Plug wires are double isolated suppressed spiral core cable.

o   Plugwire holder set like the original.

o   Period style Stickers

3.     FIA time period H;
For the 3.0L race engine which were used the 911 IROC, RS and RSR.

Bosch model twinplug distributor 30mm shaft with magnetic pickup.

o   8-pin DC-Bosch boxes with original RSR specs and build in Rev Limiter.

o   2 Black coils made for Raceservice4u  of better quality than the Bosch silver can type.

o   In house produced wireloom.

o   The Plug wires are double isolated suppressed spiral core cable.

o   Plugwire holderset like the original.

o   Period style Stickers

o   Extern revlimter box or built in revlimiters in 8-pin boxes. Both were used in Time period.


copyrights Jan van Elderen